Moulting in shrimp is probably the most essential process in its development towards attaining ideal commercial size. The shedding of the exoskeleton is a necessary precondition for growth. It has long been known that shrimp will increase its body size and weight by as much 5 – 10% everytime it molts. So, the practice of timely induced molting on ready, healthy shrimp increases production and profitability . MoultGrow is specially formulated to enhance the molting process and to control parasites, bacteria or other infections in shrimp.
Water quality of the ponds is the most important factor affecting shrimp health and performance in aquaculture production system. Bottom of the ponds is the place where the all remains organic & inorganic substances accumulated which is the major constituent of water pollution. BottomSure is an innovative product for complete bottom solution of the ponds.
It is necessary to get protection and elimination of hazardous matters from heavy metals (Iron),reduction in toxicity & improves water quality of ecosystem through maintaining water hardness, pH and alkalinity. HydroCure stimulates healthy moulting in shrimp and improves their moulting cycles.
The increasing occurrence of bacterial, viral & fungal infectious diseases represents major challenge for shrimp health worldwide. ImmunePlus is a new innovation in the field of shrimp culture to overcome the pathogenic issues .It is the perfect blend of organic extracts which is severely effective against harmful bacteria, viruses & fungi.
MinLife is an innovative product for the shrimp culture which is formulated in consideration with the shrimp requirements of essential nutrients of minerals. The precise ratio provides all required essential nutrients to the shrimp through the pond water as it is highly soluble and bio-available.
Oxygen plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy pond environment specially for shrimp culture. There is a direct relationship between the level of D.O. & the survival, overall development of the shrimp in a pond. O2 Life is an excellent source to provide oxygen content quickly and maintain a healthy pond eco system.
Oxygen plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy pond environment specially for shrimp culture. There is a direct relationship between the level of D.O. & the survival, overall development of the shrimp in a pond. O2 Life is an excellent source to provide oxygen content quickly and maintain a healthy pond eco system.
Intensive shrimp production worldwide has increased the risk of infectious diseases. In shrimp, the three major routes of infection are the skin, gills and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The GI tract is essentially a muscular tube lined by a mucous membrane of columnar epithelial cells that exhibit a regional variation in structure and function. In present scenario it is observed that the major microbial infections occurred in the shrimp through this GI tract. P-Gutcure is specially designed to control and cure gut infections such as white gut & loose shell in the shrimp culture.
With the increasing intensification and commercialization of aquaculture production, diseases is a major problem in the shrimp farming. The prime constituent of the pollutants in the aquatic medium are dead phyto and zooplankton, excess feed and other organic residue. PondProbic is specially designed for the better management of water as well as soil for the shrimp culture.
PoshakMin is an exclusive product for the shrimp culture which is formulated with the right combination of Macro & Micro elements of minerals. The precise ratio provides all required essential nutrients to the shrimp through the pond water as it is highly soluble and bio-available.
In aquaculture, various types of feed additives (like vitamins,minerals,probiocs etc.) are used and needs to be bonded to feed pellets to prevent it from leaching into the pond water. Provita Gel is specially formulated to cater farmer requirements for easy & stable binding with feed pellets through a bio available medium with enhanced protein & vitamins.
The addition of Enzymes & Vitamins in feed provide prime nutrients and improves its utilization. P-Vitazyme is the right solution to provide important nutrients with enhanced digestion as well as better utilization of feed for the shrimp culture.
Generally the development of shrimp depends upon the amount of feed is taken. StressCure is the right solution for enhancement of digestibility in shrimp. It is a unique combination of natural ingredients which provides excellent features to the feed to extract shrimps and better protein absorption.
Water quality is the most important factor affecting shrimp health and performance in aquaculture production system. Turbidity is generally understood as a cloudiness or muddiness of water. Turbidity can be caused by many substances, including microscopic algae(phytoplankton),bacteria, dissolved organic substances that stain water, suspended clay particles and colloidal solids. Turbid water tends to have a lower average concentration of dissolve oxygen than water with a green phytoplankton bloom. Clay turbidity in pond water (muddy water) can be harmful to shrimp and limit pond productivity. TurbiClean is a unique product for correction of clay turbidity in ponds its unique features rapidly settle colloids as well as restores & maintain required water condition of ponds.
Vitamin C is at the top of the list among natural immune boosters for shrimp body. It is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator for shrimps. The fish body needs vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) to remain in proper health condition. Vitamin C makes various benefits to the shrimp body by holding cells together through collagen synthesis. Collagen is connective tissue that holds muscles, bones and other tissues together. Collagen is also needed for the healing of wounds. VitaCare-C is a multifunctional product which capable to fulfill most of the health requirements of shrimps.
Zeolites are micro porous crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates, which have found various applications because of their very unique physicochemical characteristics such as ion exchange and adsorption-desorption properties. ZeoTrace is the right choice for maintaining an ideal ecosystem for shrimp culture ponds.