With the increasing intensification and commercialization of aquaculture production, diseases is a major problem in the shrimp farming. The prime constituent of the pollutants in the aquatic medium are dead phyto and zooplankton, excess feed and other organic residue. PondProbic is specially designed for the better management of water as well as soil for the shrimp culture.
Effective on both water & soil in ponds. Enhances growth of beneficial phytoplankton. Effectively controls pathogenic bacteria, especially Vibrio in the pond. Prevents formation of ammonia & nitrite. Helps to regulate pH level of the pond water. Plays an important role in water purification by the degradation of organic matter (sludge) at the bottom. Enhances survival & growth rate.
Lactobacillus, Aconomycetes, Nitrobacteria,Denitrifying bacteria etc.
500 gms per acre or as advised by the aqua consultant.
500 gms & 1 kg